Users represent members in a community. On the Mobilize platform users may be a member of multiple groups.

Creating a user does not add them to groups or send an invite to the group member. Use the Create group member to add them directly to a group and use the Invite Group Member to send an invite.

In general group's admin can decide which information he wants to know about his group members, as detailed in the group object section.

On Mobilize each member has a default fields such as:

  • Name
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
    Other information are optional and can be set as mentioned before by the community admin and the group admin.

In general field can be one of the following types:

  • Url
  • Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Select (Select)
  • Multi Select (Check box)
  • Select (Radio button)
  • File

Users Object

  "id": {Text},
  "first_name": {Text},
  "name": {Text},
	"last_name": {Text},
	"email": {Text},
  "updated_at": {Numeric},
  "created_at": {Numeric},
 	"is_registered": {Boolean},
	"groups": [
			"id": {Numeric},
			"is_admin": {Boolean},
			"last_invited_in": {Numeric},
      "status": {String} 
	"avatar": {
		"image": {Text},
		"small_thumb": {Text},
		"mini_thumb": {Text},
		"thumb": {Text}
	"fields": {
idTextThis is a unique identifier associated to each of your users.
avatarObjectThe user avatar image url.
emailTextThis is the member email address
nameTextThis is the member full name
first_nameTextThis is the member first name
last_nameTextThis is the member last name
is_registeredBooleanDefault is false.
With this flag you can know if the user registered to Mobilize platform.
created_atNumericThe time this object was created, in UTC milliseconds past the epoch. This field is automatically updated by writing queries and not directly editable.
updated_atNumericThe time this object was last modified, in UTC milliseconds past the epoch. This field is automatically updated by writing queries and not directly editable.
groupsObjectArray of the groups ids the user is a member of.
1. Group id
2. Last invite in date,
3. Is group admin
4. Approval status (accepted, pending, declined)
fieldsArrayThe member organization information by the group fields definition.
key value pair with the unique_name: field_value