LocationField is a set of fields that describes a location.
It is used as the value of a user field of type 'location'
When updating a user's location field, fields that are not on the list below are dropped.
All the fields are optional unless specified in the field configuration on mobilize web site.

LocationField Object

place_idTextReference on Google Maps
latNumberlatitude coordinates of the location
lngNumberlongitude coordinates of the location
formatted_addressTexta human-readable address for displaying in mobilize.io
countryTextindicates the national political entity
stateTextindicates a state or other first-order civil entity below the country level
cityTextindicates an incorporated city or town political entity
postal_codeTextindicates a postal code as used to address postal mail within the country
street_nameTextindicates a street name or another named route (such as "US 101")
street_numberNumberindicates the precise street number
   "place_id": "ChIJnySwn4mAhYARnYlWZeajtew",
   "lat": 37.7900112,
   "lng": -122.4041154,
   "formatted_address": "209 Kearny St, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA",
   "country": "United States",
   "state": "California",
   "city": "San Francisco",
   "postal_code": "94108",
   "street_name": "Kearny Street",
   "street_number": "209"