FieldDefinition is a set of configurations that describe a property that community admins or group admins may define.
Each field represent a column in your community CRM system.

FieldDefinition Object

idNumericThis is a unique identifier.
nameTextThis is the name of the field.
typeTextThis represent the visual type of the field in the registration form.
fields type:
- text
- number
- url
- textArea
- checkbox
- radio
- select
- date
- file
- phone (Format expected is: "+[countrycode]4155552671")
- location LocationField object
optionsArray[Text]Represent an array of strings that describe the option name.
fields options can be attached to the following types:
- checkbox
- select
other_option_flagBooleanThis flag indicates that members can add their own option.
placeholderTextA text that describes the field when no input was filled by the user.
requiredBooleanIndicates whether or not this field is required to fill in by the members.
	"required": true,
	"options": null,
	"other_option_flag": false,
	"placeholder": "please fill in your first name.",
	"name": "First Name",
	"type": "text",
	"id": 4213,
	"unique_name": "first_name",
	"required": false,
	"options": ['Options 1','Options 2','Options 3'],
	"other_option_flag": true,
	"placeholder": null,
	"name": "Selection field",
	"type": "select",
	"id": 4213,
	"unique_name": "select",