The Bulk API allows to send multiple notification objects in a single request for specific resources. This was built for cases where multiple objects are being updated at once

notificationsArray[Hash]Represent an array of objects that has being created or updated.
totalNumericA numeric number that describes the total items that has being issued.
jobHashHolds the bulk job id
next_page(Optional)UrlWe are sending only 50 items on each batch. it's your responsibility to query the rest of the items by calling the next_page url.
          /*Notifications items*/
          "item_type":(String), //Name of the api object
          "topic":(String), //aka user_create, user.update
            //issued object


Mobilize allows users to create and update multiple items at once for example: upload an excel of users or upload users email list.
As a result of that we limited the amount of notifications to 50 notifications per request and we gave you the opportunity to query the rest of the notifications in bulks. for more information read more on bulk get API.